A Guide to Handling Dental Emergencies 

An emergency is any situation requiring immediate attention and care. It is crucial to be well informed about handling them since it makes a great deal. Immediate care can go a long way in preventing further deterioration. 

Emergency dental care provided by the dentist in Wilmington, DE, and their team ensures halting further damage to the soft tissues, and your teeth have the best possible chance of survival.

An introduction to dental emergency

A dental emergency is any problem in and around the oral cavity that requires immediate attention. However, not all dental problems are emergencies. But if you suffer any direct trauma to your teeth and other supporting soft tissues (gums, lips, cheeks, or tongue) leading to severe pain, discomfort, or bleeding, it is a matter of concern.

Dealing with common dental emergencies 

  • Avulsed tooth

A tooth that has been completely displaced from its socket is known as an avulsed tooth. When a tooth is knocked out it can damage the surrounding tissues, nerves, and blood vessels. 

Call your dentist immediately and seek help. Meanwhile, 

  • Rinse off your avulsed tooth, but do not touch the tooth root. 
  • Avoid drying the tooth either by tucking it into your cheek pouch or placing it in a cup of milk, water, or saliva.
  • Lost filling/crown

Secondary caries can damage the filling/restoration that may fall out. This leads to increased sensitivity of the tooth to pressure and temperature changes. You need to take the following steps until you reach the dentist:

  • Place the crown in a cool and safe place 
  • Apply clove oil to the affected tooth to reduce pain and sensitivity
  • Do not use any kind of glue to fix the crown
  • Fractured tooth

Severe trauma to the teeth can lead to cracks and fractures with or without pain. 

When you experience a tooth fracture:

  • Rinse your mouth and the broken tooth fragment with lukewarm water
  • Apply gauze for 10 mins to arrest bleeding 
  • Use cold compression to reduce swelling 
  • Take a painkiller if required 
  • Mobile tooth 

If the dislodged or mobile tooth is still attached to the blood vessels, it can be reattached. Your dentist may also use splints to stabilize it. If the tooth fails to heal, root canal therapy may be required. 

  • Soft tissue injury

Any injury or trauma to the soft tissues can cause uncontrolled bleeding. This may be due to tongue bites, swollen gums, cuts, and bruises. 

  • Apply a gauze or cotton pad firmly to arrest bleeding.
  • Consult your dentist as soon as possible.

Dental emergencies can greatly jeopardize physical health and wellness if you delay treatment. Thus, it is important to know how to handle them and seek immediate dental care.