In the past a person would have found it hard to become a small business marketing consultant. In present day the use of the internet has changed that. You can start your own business if you know how to do the following things.
1. Present your service to other small business owners in person. If you’re the type of person is comfortable talking to small business owners in person then you can quickly become the local small business marketing consultant expert.
When you realize that people still like to buy from people this gives you a huge advantage in starting your business. Plus if you have an understanding of how the Internet works, you have a tremendous opportunity to quickly build a business if you will get out and meet people face-to-face.
2. Understand how to bird dog, a project. Today small business marketing consultants do not have to physically do all the work, but rather they need to know where to find the people who can do the work for them. Let’s look a little closer at what you need to be consulting small business owners on.
3. Today these businesses should be marketing themselves on the Internet in various ways. The best way to do that is to target longtail keyword phrases built around local search.
For example, if you have a pet store in Eerie Indiana, a keyword phrase that you would target is Eerie Indiana pet store. There really is no limit to the number of phrases that you can target.
Businesses today should have a website and an auto responder. They should be able to present themselves in a positive light, encouraging customers to come to the store after visiting their website. They also should be capturing contact information from their customers for future follow-up via their autoresponder.
Having an autoresponder gives them the opportunity to quickly contact their mailing list and do such things as offer specials, let them know when new products come out, or just invite them into the store for various celebrations and functions.
4. One final thing we want to mention is consulting today with small businesses on their marketing is an ongoing thing. The successful consultant is one who is going to be around tomorrow to help businesses as their needs change.