Why parents choose home school education
More and more children today receive home school education. The reason for making choices for their children’s home schools varies from family to family but there are three main reasons why parents take off their children from the public school system and give them home school education.
The first reason is that the public education system in the United States struggles to provide the right education for the nation’s children with outdated textbooks, run to the school building and inadequate equipment. The provision of home school education allows parents to have control of the quality of educational materials used by their children and general conditions where they are educated.
The second reason is that parents want to carry more control over the influence of their children will be exposed. This is often on the basis of religious land but, very often, it is only because home school education will ensure that children learn the values that are enforced by the family and are taught from an early age of what behavior is appropriate. Unfortunately, many public schools have a bad reputation to instill good discipline in students. This often leads to children who behave badly interfere with lessons and prevent their colleagues from getting full benefits of class. Discipline and enforcement of the right behavioral standards are an important part of home school education.
The third reason many parents choose to give their children home school education is fear for their safety. Violence increases everywhere and a public school system has not escaped this trend. Violence in the public education system is getting worse and individual violence is more serious. Since the surprising incident in Columbine High School there have been further tragedies involving firearms where teachers and students have been injured or killed. Home school education ensures the safety of children who should be serious at risk of danger.
Losses choose for homeschooling
Providing home school education is not only a matter of parental choice. In most cases, the state education council where the living family must agree to the decision to give children home school education. People who take Homeschooling responsibility must be certified to become a home teacher, the curriculum must follow the country curriculum, and textbooks and other educational materials that will be used must be approved by the state. Even though this might look like an undue interference in terms of personal choice, the state has the responsibility to ensure that all children receive adequate educational standards and examinations will be made to ensure that every child stored from public schools is cultivated correctly.
Home school education may mean that a child loses certain opportunities that will be available in a public school system. There may be difficulties in providing facilities for athletic children to realize their potential. Gifted talented children can also be harmed. In some states there are provisions for children who receive home school education to take part in facilities such as being able to attend sports lessons and join clubs after school. However, the level of assistance provided to Homeschooling parents is not uniform and varies greatly from the state to the country.
The last potential losses to influence children who receive home school education are that they will not develop social skills that will be important when they grow up. Social interactions with their colleagues and with adults outside the family are very important if a child will grow with the right personality balance and a reasonable level of social skills. This development problem can be quite easily overcome if children live in stat