Things You Never Knew About Craft Beer

Craft beer has been widely available in stores around the country, providing customers with the chance to become more knowledgeable about the beverage than they ever have before. The ability to homebrew and learn about the brewing process is becoming more widely available; nonetheless, there are still some widespread misunderstandings concerning the manufacture and consumption of our beloved beverage.

Here are some facts about craft beer that you might not have known.

Beer’s Flavour Is Impacted by Ingredients

Brews that are well-done take advantage of the tastes found in all the materials utilised in the brewing process, even down to the water. The water profile of a brewery serves as the foundation for each recipe, which is then built upon using malted barley, wheat, or another carbohydrate source.

Hops are used for bittering and flavour, and in many beers, they provide notes of pine, citrus, and earth to the taste profile. As the beer ferments, the yeast contributes to the brew, leaving behind traces of barnyard stink, clove, or banana, depending on where the yeast came from.

Brewing Beer Isn’t Easy

Brewers typically have preferences and habits based on their system, even if the core process of brewing is identical worldwide. Brewers encounter a varied set of obstacles every day, depending on various criteria, such as the size of their brewhouse and the layout of their brewery. Brewers, particularly in the current craft beer industry, face the additional challenge of developing marketable formulas and beer names.

Brewers Are More Like Chefs Than Magicians

Although craft beer in NZ is a wonderful, almost magical, beverage, the folks who make it are frequently pretty ordinary people. Brewers, unlike wizards, are primarily concerned with developing and testing new recipes, executing those recipes, selling their products, and maintaining the cleanliness of their brewery.

Everybody Has Unique Tastes

Beer tasting isn’t a competition or a race! Everyone’s taste buds are different, so there are so many diverse styles. If you don’t like a beer, think about what the brewer was trying to achieve with it. Exploring manufacturing procedures may often help you comprehend the tastes and merits.

Bottles Are Not Always Better

Cans are superior for freshness and portability since they screen out harmful sunlight. There is a nationwide trend in canning beers designed to drink fresh to preserve quality and save money. Still, keep an eye out for bottles to retain those prized aged beers.