Mixed martial arts (MMA) incorporate techniques from a multitude of sports including judo, karate, boxing, and Jiu-Jitsu. Most students first learn about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu through MMA. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is considered the groundwork of MMA. It is a grappling-based martial art.
The Basics of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
The central theme of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is to control your opponent. BJJ is a special technique used to force your opponent to submit. If you want to force the submission of your opponent, it is easier to perform on the ground than in the upright position. Therefore, BJJ consists of various techniques on how to take your opponent to the ground and control your opponent on the ground. Forcing your opponent to submit, renders them into a harmless position. They are no longer able to physically attack or harm you. This is a huge advantage in the sport of MMA.
Physical and Mental Health
Mastering BJJ requires physical and mental discipline. BJJ teaches those smaller and lesser in size to overcome and control a larger opponent. Subduing an opponent who is larger and has greater strength, is extremely difficult. It takes self-control, problem-solving, and self-knowledge. Through this process of self-discovery, you will increase your physical and mental strength. BJJ is intensive. It uses all the core muscles of your body to properly grapple your opponent, such as wrestling.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Classes
Courses teaching Brazilian Jiu-jitsu in Reading welcome students of all backgrounds, ages, and sizes. Unlike MMA, BJJ classes do not feature punching or kicking. Instructors will teach you how to grapple. The main physical work will be close to the ground. They will teach you how to safely subdue your opponent. Gyms offer a multitude of courses. Courses are offered at different times to fit within your schedule and at varying levels. Instructors will teach you how to use the principles of angles, leverage, pressure, and timing to subdue your opponent without violence. BJJ is close contact centring around wrestling and grappling techniques such as joint manipulation and chokeholds.
If you find yourself in a potentially bad situation, BJJ is a great line of defence. If you cannot strike the other person, you will be able to subdue your opponent. You will have the physical and mental determination paired with the skills on how to subdue a larger opponent. Street fights often end on the ground. Experienced BJJ students will be able to easily manipulate a ground street fight in their favour, rendering the opponent harmless.